What Is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is one of the traditional techniques (Traditional Chinese Medicine) to provide stimulus to the point - a point on the surface of the body (cupoints). Excitation is carried out by using a needle pricking to activate chi / qi / vital energy.

In addition to the needle pricking, excitation can also be done with the heating rod with the moxa, we called is a moxibation, or stimulation with using hand tools or other known as akupresur. Stimulation aims to restore balance in the body so that the flow of chi / qi can flow smoothly because the concept is sickness in Acupuncture according to the imbalance of Yin and Yang in the body.

Acupuncture points (acupoints) located on the meridian line (jing luo) where chi / qi flowing in the meridian line. There are 12 pairs of prime meridian and 8 pairs special meridian. To the twelve main meridian is the meridian Lung, Colon, Stomach, Spleen, Heart, Small Intestine, Bladder, Kidney, Pericardium, San Jio, Gall Bladder and Liver.

Meridian of this organ network senses, the top and bottom, outside and inside in the body. In addition to the channel as chi / qi, according to the theory of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) meridian channel also serves as a source of disease from outside the body into the human body, as a channel to patologic organ in the body and the media to therapy and diagnosis.

In line with the motto Back To Nature, this community has been increasingly utilized to overcome Acupuncture/ treat diseases / health problems faces. Such as sinusitis, tinitus, high blood pressure / low, diabetes, insomnia, paralysis, asthma, neuralgia trigeminus, painful menstruation, and so on. In fact, WHO has recommended dozens of diseases that effective use Acupuncture Therapy.
In addition to the complaints of disease, Acupuncture also used for beauty (Cosmetic Acupuncture) and also used in the field of sport (
Sport Acupuncture) to enhance sports performance and injury from the sport. Cosmetic Acupuncture is used to reduce body weight (body Slimming), the whelk, tighten breast, the black and wrinkling on the face, etc.

To achieve optimal healing results, treatment
Acupuncture not be done only once. Necessary continuity in treatment. Frequency therapy usually 2 - 3x/week, depending on the weight light disease suffered. Therapy length of approximately 20-30 minutes. At the time of needle pricking Acupuncture, the patient will feel the pain sensation, such as Baal bitten ant at the time of the right needle point Acupuncture, after that the patient will feel comfortable and relax.
Well, if you have any health problems that are not cured or want to beautify themselves, why do not have one to try Acupuncuture Therapy.

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