Large Intestine Meridian of Hand Yang Ming

Located The Lung Meridian Points

LI.1 Shangyang
About 0,1 cun behind the corner of the vallum unguis on the radial side of the index finger

LI.2 Erjian
On the dorsum of the hand, at the radial side of the distal end of the index finger

LI.3 Sanjian
On the dorsum of the hand, at the radial side of the proximal part of the second metacarpal bone, the first being alightly closed.

LI.4 Hegu
Over the dorsum of the hand, between the first and the second metacarpal bones, on the protubersnce of the muscle on the radial side, in the middle of the second metacarpal bone.

LI.5 Yangxi
Over the wrist join, in the depression between the tendons of the extensor pollicis brevis muscle and extensor pollicis longus muscle.

LI.6 Pianli
3 cun above Yangxi (The distance from Yangxi to Quchi [LI.11] is 12 cun)

LI.7 Wunliu
5 cun above Yangxi

LI.8 Xialian
4 cun below Quchi

LI.9 Shanglian
3 cun below Quchi

LI.10 Shousanli
2 cun below Quchi

LI.11 Quchi
At the external end of the below transverse crease, when the elbow is flexed.

LI.12 Zhouliao
1 cun above the external part of Quchi, beside the humerus.

LI.13 Shouwuli
3 cun above Quchi

LI.14 Binao
7 cun above Quchi, at the insertion of the deltoid muscle.

LI.15 Jianyu
At the antero-inferior part of the acromion, where a depression is formed when the arm is raised.

LI.16 Jugu
At the depression between the acromial end of the clavicle and the upper part of the spine of the scapula.

LI.17 Tianding
Above the supraclavicular fossa at the posterior margin of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and between the mid point of Neck-Futu (LI.18) and the sterna end of clavicle.

LI.18 Futu (Neck-Futu)
3 cun laterally from the middle of the laryngeal prominence, just between the two heads of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

LI.19. Kouheliao
0,5 cun by the side of Shuikon below the lateral margin of the nostril.

LI.20 Yingxiang
0,5 cun from the midpoint of the outer side of the alanasi, in the nasolabial sulcus.

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