Stomach Meridian of Foot Yang Ming

Located The Stomach Meridian Points

ST.1 Chengqi
In between the eyeball and the inferior border of orbit, with the eyes looking straight ahead.

ST.2 Sibai
At the depression over the infra-orbital foramen.

ST.3 Juliao
Directly below the middle of he eye, at a level with the inferior border of the ala of the nose.

ST.4 Dicang
0,4 cun from the angle of the mouth, inside the nasolabial sulcus.

ST.5 Daying
In front of the angle of the mandible on the anterior border of the masseteric muscle, behind the facial artery.

ST.6 Jiache
Over the masseteric muscle anterior and superior to the angle of the mandible.

ST.7 Xiaguan
In the depression between the inferior border of the zygomatic arch and the mandibular notch.

ST.8 Touwei
0,5 cun within the natural line of the hair in front of the temple.

ST.9 Renying
By the side of the laryngeal prominence behind the carotid artery (great caution neede).

ST.10 Shuitu
At the midway between Renying and Qishe

ST.11 Qishe
The superior border of the medial end of the clavicle, in between the two heads of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

ST.12 Quepen
Middle of superior border of the clavicle, vertically above the nipple.

ST.13 Qihu
In between the first rib and the middle of the inferior border of the clavicle (Deep insertion should be avoided for all points over the thorax).

ST.14 Kufang
Under the first rib on the mammillary line.

ST.15 Wuyi
Under the second rib on the mammillary line.

ST.16 Yingchuang
Under the third rib on the mammillary line.

ST.17 Ruzhong

ST.18 Rugen
Directly below the nipple in the 5th intercostals space (Deep insertion is FORBIDDEN).

ST.19 Burong
6 cun above the umbilicus, and 2 cun at the side of the Jugu (CV.14)

ST.20 Chengman
5 cun above the umbilicus, and 2 cun at the side of the Shangwan (CV.13)

ST.21 Liangmen
4 cun above the umbilicus, and 2 cun at the side of the Chongwan (CV.12)

ST.22 Guanmen
3 cun above the umbilicus, and 2 cun at the side of the Jianli (CV.11)

ST.23 Taiyi
2 cun above the umbilicus, and 2 cun at the side of the Xiawan (CV.10)

ST.24 Huaroumen
1 cun above the umbilicus, and 2 cun at the side of the Shuifen CV.9)

ST.25 Tianshu
2 cun above the umbilicus, in the rectus abdomini muscle

ST. 26 Wailing
1 cun below Tianshu (ST. 25)

ST.27 Daju
2 cun below Tianshu (ST. 25)

ST.28 Shuidao
3 cun below Tianshu (ST. 25)

ST.29 Guilai
4 cun below Tianshu (ST. 25)

ST.30 Qichong
5 cun below Tianshu (ST. 25)

ST.31 Biguan
Right below the anterior spine of the ilium, in the depression level to the perineum and on the lateral side of the Sartorius muscle, when the thigh is flexed.

ST.32 Futu
6 cun above the upper margin of the the patella, along the line of the lateral margin of the patella to the anterior superior iliac spine (from the tip of the greater trochanter to the middle of the knee is 19 cun).

ST.33 Yinshi
3 cun above the patella, along it’s lateral margin.

ST.34 Liangqiu
2cun above the patella, along it’s lateral margin.

ST.35 Dubi
In the depression of the lateral part of the patella ligament, when the knee is bent.

ST.36 Zusanli
3 cun below Dubi (ST.35), 1 finger breath from the anterior crest of the tibia.

ST.37 Shangjuxu
6 cun below Dubi (ST.35), 1 finger breath from the anterior crest of the tibia.

ST.38 Tiaoko
8 cun below Dubi (ST.35), 1 finger breath from the anterior crest of the tibia.

ST.39 Xiajuxu
9 cun below Dubi (ST.35), 1 finger breath from the anterior crest of the tibia.

ST.40 Fenglong
8 cun above the anterior part of the lateral malleolus, 1 finger beside Tiaoko (ST.38).

ST.41 Jiexi
Over the dorsum of the foot, right in the center of the cruriate crural ligament, between the tendon of the extensor hallucis longus and the extensor digitorum longus.

ST.42 Chongyang
On the hump of the dorsum of the foot, by the side of the dorsalis pedis artery.

ST.43 Xiangu
Between the second and the third metatarsal bones.

ST.44 Neiting
In the web between the second and the third toes.

ST.45 Lidui
About 0,1 cun from the lateral side of the corner of the vallum unguis of the second toe

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