Heart Meridian of Hand Shao Yin

Located The Heart Meridian Points

HT.1 Jiquan
Tip of the armpit, on the medial side of the axillary artery.

HT.2 Qingling
3 cun above Shaohai

HT.3 Shaohai
At the medial end of the elbow crease, when the elbow is flexed.

HT.4 Lingdao
1,5 cun above Shenmen (the distance from shaohai to Shenmen is 12 cun)

HT.5 Tongli
1 cun above Shenmen.

HT.6 Yinxi
0,5 cun above Shenmen.

HT.7 Shenmen
Along the most distal skin crease of the wrist, on the redial side of the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle.

HT.8 Shaofu
A point between the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones. Which when the first is clenched, the tip of the little finger touches.

HT.9 Shaochong
About 0,1 cun behind the corner of the vallum unguis on the radial side of the little finger.

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