Gall Bladder Meridian

Gall Bladder Meridian of Foot Shao Yang

Located The Gall Bladder Meridian Points

GB.1 Tongziliao
0,5 cun lateral to the external canthus

GB.2 Tinghui
On the posterior margin of the condyloid process of the mandible, in front of the incisura intertragicia, where a depression is formed when the mouth is wide open.

GB.3 Shangguan
On the anterior part of the ear and the upper margin of the zygomatic arch, right above Xiakuan

GB.4 Hanyan
Within the temple, at the junction of upper ¼ and lower ¾ of the distand between Touwei and Qubin

GB.5 Xuanlu
Within the margin of the temple midway between Touwei and Qubin

GB.6 Xuanli
At the junction of upper ¾ and lower ¼ of the distand between Touwei and Qubin

GB.7 Qubin
In the temple on a level with the apex of the aer, and about 1 cun in front of Chuehsun

GB.8 Shuaigu
Above the apex of the auricula and 1,5 cun above the natural line of the hair.

GB.9 Tianchong
On the postero-superior part of the auricula about 0,5 cun behind Shuaigu.

GB.10 Fubai
Behind the ear, on the postero-superior part of the mastoid process of the temporal bone, midway between Tianchong and Head-Touqiaoyin.

GB.11 Touqiaoyin (Head-Touqiaoyin)
On the posterior part of the mastoid process of the temporal bone, midway between Fubai and Head-Wangu.

GB.12 Wangu (Head-Wangu)
In the depression at the lower postero-inferior part of the mastoid process of the temporal bone.

GB.13 Benshen
On the lateral part of the forehead, 0,5 cun within the natural line of the hair, 1/3 the distance, laterally, from Shenting to Touwei.

GB.14 Yangbai
1 cun above the middle of the eyebrow, inthe depresson on the superciliary arch.

GB.15 Toulinqi
0,5 cun within the natural line of the hair, midway between Shenting and Touwei.

GB.16 Muchuang
1 cun behing Head-Linchi

GB.17 Zhengying
1 cun behind Muchuang

GB.18 Chengling
1,5 cun behind Zhengying

GB.19 Naokong
Laterally to the external occipital protuberance, 2,25 cun level with Houhu, and above Fengchi

GB.20 Fengchi
Below the occipital bone, in the depression on the outer part of the trapezius muscle, on a level with Fengfu

GB.21 Jianjing
On the hump of the shoulder, midway between Tachui and the acromion (Deep insertion prohibited)

GB.22 Yuanye
3 cun below the axilla, in the 4th intercostal space on the midaxillary line.

GB.23 Zhejin
1 cun in front of Yuanye in 4th intercostals space, level to nipple.

GB.24 Riyue
1,5 cun directly below Qimen, in the 7th intercostals space, 4 cun lateral to the midline of the abdomen.

GB.25 Jinmen
One the antero-inferior side anterior extremity of the 12th rib.

GB.26 Daimai
On the same level as umbilicus, right on the midaxillary line.

GB.27 Wushu
On antero-inferior part of the anterior superior iliac spine, level with Guanyuan.

GB.28 Weidao
On antero-inferior part of the anterior superior iliac spine and 0,5 cun right below wushu.

GB.29 Juliao
On the iliac side between the anterior superior iliac spine and the greater trochnter of the femur.

GB.30 Huantiao
On the postero-superior side of the greater trochanter, at the junction of lateral 1/3 and medial 2/3 of the distance between the greater trochanter of the femur and the sacral hiatus.

GB.31 Fengshi
On the lateral part of the thight, 7 cun above the popliteal transverse crease (from the tip of the greater trochanter to the popliteal transverse crease is 19 cun).

GB.32 Zhongdu
5 cun above the popliteal transverse crease and 2 cun below Fengshih.

GB.33 Xiyangguan
3 cun above Yanglingchuan, in the depression above the lateral condyle of the femur.

GB.34 Yanglingquan
On the antero-inferior part of the capitulum of the fibula, 2 cun below the knee.

GB.35 Yangjiao
7 cun above the lateral malleolus, behind the fibula (from the lower border of the patella to the lateral malleolus is 16 cun).

GB.36 Waiqiu
7 cun above the lateral malleolus, in front of the fibula midway between Yanglingquan and lateral malleolus).

GB.37 Guangming
5 cun above the lateral malleolus, in front of the fibula.

GB.38 Yangfu
4 cun above the lateral malleolus, in front of the fibula.

GB.39 Xuanzhong
3 cun above the lateral malleolus, in front of the fibula.

GB.40 Qiuxu
In the depression on the antero-inferior part of the lateral malleolus.

GB.41 Zulingi
Between the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones, 1,5 cun behind Xiaxi

GB.42 Diwuhui
Between the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones, 0,5 cun in front of Foot-Linchi.

GB.43 Xiaxi
Behind the margin of the wed between the 4th toe and the little toe.

GB.44 Zuqiaoyin
About 0,1 cun behind the lateral corner of the vallum ungui of the 4th toe.

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